Hello everyone. This summer I am going to do some tours in Russia, in Siberia in Krasnoyarsk. These tours for language exchange and immersion in the culture and nature of wild Siberia. Our team will include interesting people who learn English and speak Russian. I want to invite you to join our team. I will have many different tours. Some of them will last one day, others - a few days, and the longest will last a week. All of them will be in the nature. I love mountains and hiking. Dates of tours: Tours of one day we can do any day. Multi-day tours will have a schedule. ( Schedule in my community of tours) You can stay at my place in Krasnoyarsk and be a volunteer of exchanging languages. Here on these links you can see the information in English and in Russian languages about these tours. Here are links: http://lehaisichenko.wixsite.com/privateguide https://vk.com/adtour My WhatsApp number: +79509970836 The cost of such tours will not exceed $ 20 per day. if you have any questions - text me. I am ready to answer. Photo by Pavel Vero , me and my friends. More photos in Instagram: _adventure_tour aleks_ergaki Максим Антон Pavel Places: Ergaki, Stolby, Kuturchinsky belogori. #nationalpark #ergaki #stolby #krasnoyarsk #mountains #siberia #russia #summer #hiking #trekking #guide #горы #россия #поход #ергаки #столбы #национальныйпарк #лето #сибирь #красноярск

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